Rick had himself a little accident tonight. He was moving some cabinets in the basement from his drum room to the laundry room. The cabinet needed to be cut out of place. Rick was using a crowbar and set it on top of the cabinet. He bent down and wiggled the cabinet. Remember what was on top of the cabinet? Yep, the crowbar. It fell off the top of the cabinet and landed on the top of his head.
He came upstairs and called for me to come help him. And he made sure to tell me in advance not to freak out. I had heard the saw running downstairs and then I heard something fall, which happened to be the crowbar. So I figured I was going to be seeing something I didn't want to see.
I walked in to the bathroom to see blood pouring down Rick's face. I held it together, grabbed a towel, and starting wiping up blood. When I could finally see where the blood was coming from I made the decision to take him to the Emergency Room. Of course Rick didn't want to go, but he went because he said he knew if he didn't he wouldn't hear the end of it.
Thankfully we didn't have to wait for very long in the ER. Rick got 4 stitches in the top of his head.
And then we came home and he showed off the crowbar that did the damage.
Didn't think I would be spending Sunday evening in the Emergency Room. And I didn't freak out about all the blood either. Wow!!
Until next time,
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