So part of getting into the spirit of the season is spending some family time together. Tonight the four of us went to Polka Dot Pottery and made some stuff. This was our first time painting pottery as a family. It really was a lot of fun.
The girls made ornaments for our tree. This is the first year that I have done this. But I am thinking that I feel a new tradition forming. They are so cute. Usually I buy each girl an ornament signifying something special from the year. However, this year I have had a hard time finding them an ornament. So I think having a handmade ornament is the next best thing. Sam painted a snowman and Megan painted a gingerbread man. I can't wait to pick them up next week to see how they look after they are finished.
We also made a plate as a family. My family has a traditional Christmas morning bubble bread that I make for Christmas morning breakfast for my family now. I grew up eating it every year, and now I make for my family. And you know how much I just love baking. (Can you sense the sarcasm?) So I thought it would be fun to
have a special plate to serve the bread on. The girls used their
hand prints to make a wreath and Rick and I used our fingerprints to make the berries. It is really sweet and I can't wait to pick it up next week. I am really excited to see the finished product.
The girls also made a couple Christmas presents. They had a great time. Samantha especially loves painting pottery. I am thinking that we are going to have to do this more often. Even Rick said he had fun. He suggested that just the two of us go there one evening and make something together. Sounds like a great date night to me!!!
I will show you pictures of the finished projects when we get them back next week so stay tuned.
Until next time,