Monday, March 15, 2010

Weigh-In #10

I know I missed last weeks weigh-in report. I am very sorry!! Please accept my apology.

Last week I hit my first milestone of passing the 20 pounds lost mark!!!! However I ended up being tied with my co-worker at exactly 9.4% weightloss each. I mean seriously, what are the odds of both being at exactly 9.4% each?!?!?!

But I was able to pass him again this week and claim 1st place all to myself again. He is still right on my heals though with another co-worker just right behind him. This is the home stretch now. There are only 3 more weigh-ins left in this competition. I really need to buckle down if I am going to try to actually win this thing.

Seriously, I never thought I would be this close. But I really want it!!!! I really need the money to buy new clothes that actually fit me. The other day it took me three pairs of jeans to find a pair that weren't way too big. Now that is a great feeling!!!

I will try to be better about updating. I know I have been really bad about blogging. I am sorry and I hope you still come back to check in.

Until next time,


Untypically Jia said...

Congrats on 20 pounds gone! What a breakthrough!

Anonymous said...

Congrats! Way to go! I am so jealous.
-- Stephanie from Dallas

Chibi said...

Congrats on the loss and good luck on maintaining 1st place! :)

JackieThomposn said...

I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!! I am currently in my own race to lose weight. I would like to lose 30lbs before Dean gets home. I don't know if I can do it, but I am certainly going to give it my best effort! Love you...