Friday, August 14, 2009

Dr. S Day

By now you all know how much we LOVE Dr. S. I am so grateful to that man for taking such good care of Rick. If it wasn't for him I am certain that Rick would still be in a lot of pain.

We got to go visit with Dr. S this morning. Rick had the usual x-rays taken, sans paper pants :( , and we got to visit with the PA we saw before the surgery. He was very happy that Rick was doing so good. It was nice of him to stop by and talk with us. He remembered us and made the effort to see how everything was going.

Dr. S said that Rick's fusion is starting to really look good. He is growing even more bone and it is getting more solid all the time. That is such good news. We are so thankful that this has worked out so well. It is going so well that Rick doesn't have to see Dr. S again for six months. That is a good thing, but also a sad thing. I will miss him! He has been so wonderful!! He is the one doctor that we both really look forward to seeing.

It is so reassuring to know that we did choose the correct surgery. We knew that this was going to be the bigger surgery and that there was some risk involved, but it was not an easy decision to make. Rick wanted to smaller surgery, the rest of us thought that the bigger surgery was the way to go. I am so glad that we went with the bigger surgery. Dr. S said that this was definitely the right decision. Rick has no leg pain or numbness, and minimal back pain compared to what he had before. Of course the arthritis causes him back pain as well, but this made such a big difference for him.

So this should be about the last time you hear about this back thing until his next appointment, six whole months from now.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Shawnee said...

I'm glad to hear things are going well! :)