Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Lesson Learned

I can't believe it has been over a week since I posted on the blog. I don't know why I haven't been posting much lately. Maybe it's writers block. Maybe it's because of work. Maybe it's because I can't put down Twilight. I am thinking it is probably a combination of all of those factors. Especially the not being able to put down Twilight. Wow am I glad I started that series!!

Today a lesson was learned in the Wallace House. We have had some behavior issues with the girls. It has been hard to deal with. Especially their defiance when it comes to picking up their rooms. So on Monday they were told to pick up. When they didn't get their rooms picked up by Tuesday afternoon they were punished when they had to go to Grandma's house. They weren't allowed to play outside or watch TV. They were then told that if they didn't have their rooms picked up by this afternoon that they would sit on the couch at Grandma's house and not get to play at all.

Can you guess whether the rooms were picked up today? If you guessed NO, you would be correct! So when it was time to leave this afternoon Sam was NOT happy. I had to take Megan to her school for her 1st grade evaluation so I had to leave on time. When Sam decided that she was NOT going to Bamber's (that is what they call Grandma, and that is a story for another day) house, I decided that it was time to teach her a little lesson.

I left her at home and took Megan to school. Yes, I left her home alone. I knew Rick was on his way home and so she wouldn't be there for very long. But apparently she tried to run after me and I didn't see her. And in her haste to chase after me she locked herself out of the house. So when Rick got home he couldn't find her. She had walked down to her friend's house and had us all worried because we didn't know where she went.

When she was found she said "I thought Mom was just testing me." No, this was not a test! But it was a great lesson. And I am actually glad it worked out this way. Sometimes a parent just HAS to stand their ground. Today I stood very firmly on the ground!

I wonder how their rooms are gonna look before we have to leave tomorrow?

Until next time,

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