Monday, August 10, 2009

Meg O' Lantern

Megan lost another tooth. She pulled it out herself again. That girl will NOT let me wiggle or touch her tooth when it is nearing the end of it's residency in her mouth. After it was out she asked "Do I look like a Jack O' Lantern with all these missing teeth?" I thought that was so cute. So what do you think. Does Megan look like a Jack O' Lantern Meg O' Lantern?

She sounds so cute when she talks now too. I love the missing front tooth lisp.


I can't believe it has been a week since I posted. I wasn't feeling good for a few days after we got home. And then I must have passed my bug onto the laptop because it didn't want to do anything either. I downloaded some new spy and virus software and it seems like that has done the trick. Now I need to find a way to download some extra energy for me.

Until next time,


1 comment:

Denise said...

Awww, she looks so cute! Gracie hasn't lost any teeth at all yet, and she's irritated about it because everyone else is losing teeth all of a sudden. Glad you got your computer back up and running!