Thursday, February 25, 2010

One year ago

I am so very thankful that this has been a calm year medically speaking, at least so far. Today marks one year ago that Rick was hospitalized for complications following his ERCP. He became seriously ill with pancreatitis after the procedure. It was truly one of the scariest nights of my life, and lead to a very stressful week.

If you are new to my blog, or would like a refresher on what went down last year, here are the links to the posts that I wrote once Rick was released from the hospital:

ERCP/Pancreatitis Part 1
ERCP/Pancreatitis Part 2
ERCP/Pancreatitis Part 3
ERCP/Pancreatitis Part 4

I am really glad that I wrote those posts and documented everything. As much as so much of that experience is burned into my memory, alot of the little details have been forgotten.

We had a LOT of support from friends and family during the week long hospital stay. Did you know that I only left the hospital to shower and change clothes? I ate every meal there and slept in a recliner.

I am praying that this year continues to be uneventful. However I do need to schedule Rick for his yearly ERCP. And quite frankly that scares me silly!

I am taking to tonight to say some prayers and thank God for granting Rick some time to be stable.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing. I have some idea what you have been through. My husband had cryptogenic cirrhosis and had a liver transplant about 21 months ago. Then about 3 months ago, he was diagnosed with cancer and had a very serious surgery just 3 weeks ago. I have spent more than my share of time in the hospital with him. It is no fun. Hang in there. And praise God for your husband's recent stable time.

Linda -- Wichita