Rick will be having an ERCP tomorrow (wednesday) afternoon. He has to check in at the hospital at 2:30 for a 4:00 procedure. It should take about 90 minutes, after which he will need to be in recovery for another 90 minutes. However, the outpatient unit closes at 6:00 so he will be recovering in a room in the hospital instead. Last time he had an ERCP at this hospital he was kicked out VERY quickly so I asked about that and was told by the fabulous nurse that that would NOT happen this time. She said he will be monitored for at least 90 minutes, but because it is so late in the day and he will be on the "floor" so he won't be hurried out. So hopefully this time will go much smoother.
The phone call from the nurse yesterday was to pre-register over the phone. It is a new procedure the hospital started to cut down on paperwork during admitting. And they let me be the one to answer the questions. The nurse was impressed by how much I knew. She was wonderful and was amazed at all Rick is going through right now. It always puts things in perspective when an actual member of the medical field is amazed at everything he has going on.
I always get nervous before big procedures like this. I know they are "routine" but somehow it never gets routine to have my husband going through these kind of tests. I am kinda glad I have to work in the morning because it will keep my mind off of what will happen later in the afternoon.
I will update Twitter throughout the afternoon and evening. You can check in for updates on how he his doing and if I am hanging in there as well.
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
You need to call us back
Today we had a message on our voice mail telling us to please call the hospital back within the next day. It is the hospital that Rick is having his ERCP done at on wednesday, not the surgery in two weeks. We have never needed to speak with a nurse before the procedure before. I wonder what this is all about??? She will apparently call me back tomorrow at noon. HMMM.....
Friday, February 20, 2009
I want to thank everyone for the prayers and good thoughts for us as we awaited the scheduling of Rick's surgery. We met with the surgeon this morning and he explained everything to us. We were told about the different techniques of spinal fusion and shown models of how it works and what it will look like. He was very supportive of our decision and thinks we made the right one. He feels that this will really help Rick to get back to his old self. That is definitely what we are praying for.
The technique that will be used is called ALIF. It stands for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. The surgeon will go in through the abdomen and remove the damaged disc. It will be replaced with a cage full of bone graft material and growth hormones that will stimulate bone growth and fuse the vertebrae together. There will also be a metal plate to stabilize the vertebrae. If the surgeon feels that the spine is unstable after all that he said that he will go in through the back and use screws and rods to stabilize the spine. That is hopefully not going to happen.
Surgery is scheduled for March 10. Check in at 7am for a 9am surgery. As long as everything goes smoothly it should only take 2 hours. We have a lot to do to get ready. I have already found tank tops for Rick to wear underneath the back brace. And some comfy pants to wear that shouldn't bother the incision. But that is the least of my concerns. I still have a ton of stuff to do around the house as well. It needs to be accessible for a walker and have things in convenient locations for Rick. So much to do, and only 18 days to go.
Until next time,
The technique that will be used is called ALIF. It stands for Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion. The surgeon will go in through the abdomen and remove the damaged disc. It will be replaced with a cage full of bone graft material and growth hormones that will stimulate bone growth and fuse the vertebrae together. There will also be a metal plate to stabilize the vertebrae. If the surgeon feels that the spine is unstable after all that he said that he will go in through the back and use screws and rods to stabilize the spine. That is hopefully not going to happen.
Surgery is scheduled for March 10. Check in at 7am for a 9am surgery. As long as everything goes smoothly it should only take 2 hours. We have a lot to do to get ready. I have already found tank tops for Rick to wear underneath the back brace. And some comfy pants to wear that shouldn't bother the incision. But that is the least of my concerns. I still have a ton of stuff to do around the house as well. It needs to be accessible for a walker and have things in convenient locations for Rick. So much to do, and only 18 days to go.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Musical Megan
Tonight Megan put on a show for us with the soundtrack to "The Spongebob Squarepants Movie". She hooked her headphones up to her CD player and rocked out. Here she is singing along to the song "Now That We're Men".
Megan is so funny. She loves to sing along with her music. She makes up moves and dances around. What a ham she is!!
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Out of the mouths of babes
"Shut up or I'll make you shut up!"
My sweet, precious little Megan said that tonight as Samantha was throwing a big 'ol fit in her bedroom at bedtime.
Now where did she learn that?!?!?!
My sweet, precious little Megan said that tonight as Samantha was throwing a big 'ol fit in her bedroom at bedtime.
Now where did she learn that?!?!?!
Monday, February 16, 2009
We have made our decision. Rick has decided to have spinal fusion surgery. You can read more about the surgery here. I called the surgeon's office to let them know about our decision and the scheduler said that she would have the doctor write the orders and call me back as soon as she receives them. Hopefully in a couple days we will have a set date for surgery.
This is a major surgery and Rick will be out of work for around 2 months. He will have a hospital stay that could be close to a week. He will not be able to lift anything for at least 6 weeks, nor will he be able to drive. He will have to wear a back brace to keep his torso from twisting.
The fusion will happen at L4-L5. Luckily a fusion in this area of the spine results in limited loss of motion. With physical therapy and healing Rick will most likely not even notice much of a difference.
We have lots of things around the house to do to prepare for having Rick out of commission. Thankfully my Mom will be taking care of the girls for a while after the surgery so that will be a big help. This is going to be a difficult time, especially since Rick doesn't have quite enough sick time and vacation time to cover the 2 months. We just have to pray that the benefit is successful so that can help with the lost paychecks.
I am sorry it took so long to post our decision. I had a busy day and this was the first time I have been able to sit down with the computer.
Until next time,
This is a major surgery and Rick will be out of work for around 2 months. He will have a hospital stay that could be close to a week. He will not be able to lift anything for at least 6 weeks, nor will he be able to drive. He will have to wear a back brace to keep his torso from twisting.
The fusion will happen at L4-L5. Luckily a fusion in this area of the spine results in limited loss of motion. With physical therapy and healing Rick will most likely not even notice much of a difference.
We have lots of things around the house to do to prepare for having Rick out of commission. Thankfully my Mom will be taking care of the girls for a while after the surgery so that will be a big help. This is going to be a difficult time, especially since Rick doesn't have quite enough sick time and vacation time to cover the 2 months. We just have to pray that the benefit is successful so that can help with the lost paychecks.
I am sorry it took so long to post our decision. I had a busy day and this was the first time I have been able to sit down with the computer.
Until next time,
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Happy Valentine's Day
Rick bought me some beautiful roses today. He knows I prefer other colors of roses instead of red. They are so pretty!

I made Rick a blanket. I said little prayers and thought about how much I love him as I tied the knots. I can't sew, so this is as close to making anything that I get.
We went out to dinner tonight. We lucked out that the girls were invited to a slumber party tonight. This is our first Valentine's alone together in years. Now we are having a nice quiet evening together.
I made Rick a blanket. I said little prayers and thought about how much I love him as I tied the knots. I can't sew, so this is as close to making anything that I get.
Happy Valentine's Day!!
Until next time,
Friday, February 13, 2009
Something to mull over
The meeting with the surgeon went fantastic. The surgeon is phenomenal. He was very friendly and even sat down and said "let's talk friend to friend." We were both so impressed with him. He spent close to an hour with us and went over everything! He gave Rick two options for surgery to research over the weekend and then call on monday to set it up.
The surgery options are very different from each other. One is minor surgery, one is major surgery. One "might" help, one "will" help. One will mean only a short time off work, one will mean a long time off work. Rick is still undecided. I am leaning more towards the major surgery. Only because it is most likely of the two to alleviate the back pain.
One of the new things that we were told is that Rick has a strange presentation of his spine. In a normal back the lowest disc is L5-S1. In Rick his lowest disc L4-L5. Apparently his L5-S1 is not a disc, and is part of the deformity of his lower back. It is really intriguing how many medical mysteries have been discovered in Rick.
I can't believe how much pain he is in. He can hardly move at this point. And believe it or not standing up is easier than sitting. So it is important that we weigh all the options and think things through.
Please pray that we make the right decision for Rick, and that it is what is needed to send him on the road to healing.
Until next time,
The surgery options are very different from each other. One is minor surgery, one is major surgery. One "might" help, one "will" help. One will mean only a short time off work, one will mean a long time off work. Rick is still undecided. I am leaning more towards the major surgery. Only because it is most likely of the two to alleviate the back pain.
One of the new things that we were told is that Rick has a strange presentation of his spine. In a normal back the lowest disc is L5-S1. In Rick his lowest disc L4-L5. Apparently his L5-S1 is not a disc, and is part of the deformity of his lower back. It is really intriguing how many medical mysteries have been discovered in Rick.
I can't believe how much pain he is in. He can hardly move at this point. And believe it or not standing up is easier than sitting. So it is important that we weigh all the options and think things through.
Please pray that we make the right decision for Rick, and that it is what is needed to send him on the road to healing.
Until next time,
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Big News
Rick's rheumatologist called him tonight and told him that he has found a surgeon that is very sympathetic to Rick's situation. And the amazing thing is that this surgeon is meeting with us at 8 a.m. tomorrow, on his day off. Can you believe it?!?! A surgeon is meeting with us on his day off. That is unheard of!! I have a feeling this is the surgeon that is going to finally help Rick. And the really nice thing is that Rick won't have to explain everything to this guy because the rheumatologist already did it. He apparently laid it all out there and this surgeon is really interested in helping and understands that non-surgical techniques are not an option at this point. I will let you all know what happens tomorrow. You can check in on my twitters for updates as well.
You may have noticed my twitter from earlier today. I was asked to tell our story at the meeting at the girls school tonight. I am not really a public speaker so I was very nervous about it. The president of the program introduced me by telling about the benefit coming up on March 24th. Then I spoke about our situation. I spoke from the heart, and didn't really touch much on the clinical stuff. Apparently I did a good job at speaking because people were crying. And after the meeting I had a line of people wanting to talk to me and give me hugs. I was even given McDonald's gift certificates for the girls. Because the school has a fundraiser that sells gift cards people bought them after the meeting and handed them to me. I talked to people that I have never even met before. Everyone was very supportive and wanted to help. I got lots of offers for babysitting the girls. It was an amazing experience. Especially since I didn't even know what I was going to say. I was so nervous and my legs were shaking. I didn't cry though. But once I saw other people crying I had to look away so that I wouldn't start crying too. It is so humbling to have so many people wanting to help us.
Rick has his ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. He is going to have a busy day with the surgeon in the morning and the ultrasound in the afternoon. Please join me in praying for a productive day. I am praying that tomorrow will bring us some answers and lead us on the right path. It will be a busy day.
Until next time,
You may have noticed my twitter from earlier today. I was asked to tell our story at the meeting at the girls school tonight. I am not really a public speaker so I was very nervous about it. The president of the program introduced me by telling about the benefit coming up on March 24th. Then I spoke about our situation. I spoke from the heart, and didn't really touch much on the clinical stuff. Apparently I did a good job at speaking because people were crying. And after the meeting I had a line of people wanting to talk to me and give me hugs. I was even given McDonald's gift certificates for the girls. Because the school has a fundraiser that sells gift cards people bought them after the meeting and handed them to me. I talked to people that I have never even met before. Everyone was very supportive and wanted to help. I got lots of offers for babysitting the girls. It was an amazing experience. Especially since I didn't even know what I was going to say. I was so nervous and my legs were shaking. I didn't cry though. But once I saw other people crying I had to look away so that I wouldn't start crying too. It is so humbling to have so many people wanting to help us.
Rick has his ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. He is going to have a busy day with the surgeon in the morning and the ultrasound in the afternoon. Please join me in praying for a productive day. I am praying that tomorrow will bring us some answers and lead us on the right path. It will be a busy day.
Until next time,
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
4 Things and an Update
My friend Heather posted this on her blog today and named me on it so I decided to play along.
Four Things
FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER AND OVER: Target, Starbucks, Work, the girl's School
FOUR PLACES I LIKE TO EAT: Anthony's, Red Lobster, Clinkerdaggers, Olive Garden
FOUR PLACES I’D RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Hawaii, A Caribbean Cruise, Italy, anywhere that reality won't follow me
FOUR TV SHOWS I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: Beverly Hills 90210, CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives
FOUR PEOPLE THAT I THINK WILL RESPOND: I don't really know. If you have a blog maybe you will feel like posting. And if not maybe you will leave me a comment with your four things.
I made a few phone calls today to a couple of Rick's doctors because of the pain. First I called the GI because of the jaundice/itching/right side pain. His doctor sent him immediately for more bloodwork and scheduled an ultrasound for friday afternoon. The doc is concerned that there could be a blockage in the liver somewhere causing these problems. Second I called the rheumatologist to let that doc know how bad Rick's back pain has gotten in the last 48 hours. I was told to contact the surgeon we are waiting to get an appointment with. That was a bust. But the rheumatologist is so worried about this that he is personally contacting another surgeon first thing in the morning.
And he also said that Rick should STOP working. I don't know how to convince him to take some time off. His pain is basically a 10 out of 10. It hurts him to sit so he has to recline in the recliner. That is the only comfortable position he can sit in. To watch him stand up is sad because I can see how much he is hurting. How he can continue to work, and make it seem as if he isn't in pain is beyond me. He really needs to not worry about the financial stuff and take care of himself. The financial stuff can be worked out later, his health cannot.
I am so close to needing a padded room. I really need a hug. I really need to just cry and scream. I really need a break. Rick needs a break. Rick really needs a break. Or maybe just a good surgeon.
Until next time,
Four Things
FOUR PLACES I GO OVER AND OVER AND OVER: Target, Starbucks, Work, the girl's School
FOUR PLACES I LIKE TO EAT: Anthony's, Red Lobster, Clinkerdaggers, Olive Garden
FOUR PLACES I’D RATHER BE RIGHT NOW: Hawaii, A Caribbean Cruise, Italy, anywhere that reality won't follow me
FOUR TV SHOWS I COULD WATCH OVER AND OVER: Beverly Hills 90210, CSI Miami, Grey's Anatomy, Desperate Housewives
FOUR PEOPLE THAT I THINK WILL RESPOND: I don't really know. If you have a blog maybe you will feel like posting. And if not maybe you will leave me a comment with your four things.
I made a few phone calls today to a couple of Rick's doctors because of the pain. First I called the GI because of the jaundice/itching/right side pain. His doctor sent him immediately for more bloodwork and scheduled an ultrasound for friday afternoon. The doc is concerned that there could be a blockage in the liver somewhere causing these problems. Second I called the rheumatologist to let that doc know how bad Rick's back pain has gotten in the last 48 hours. I was told to contact the surgeon we are waiting to get an appointment with. That was a bust. But the rheumatologist is so worried about this that he is personally contacting another surgeon first thing in the morning.
And he also said that Rick should STOP working. I don't know how to convince him to take some time off. His pain is basically a 10 out of 10. It hurts him to sit so he has to recline in the recliner. That is the only comfortable position he can sit in. To watch him stand up is sad because I can see how much he is hurting. How he can continue to work, and make it seem as if he isn't in pain is beyond me. He really needs to not worry about the financial stuff and take care of himself. The financial stuff can be worked out later, his health cannot.
I am so close to needing a padded room. I really need a hug. I really need to just cry and scream. I really need a break. Rick needs a break. Rick really needs a break. Or maybe just a good surgeon.
Until next time,
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
9 out of 10
When I normally ask Rick how he is feeling he usually says something like "alright" or "fine" but these past few days I know he has not been "alright or fine." I found out that his Crohn's is acting up a little bit. And at the doctor's office yesterday when the doctor pressed on his right side it hurt. So I am guessing that the liver is not a happy camper right now. I could tell that today his back was really bothering him. I asked him on a scale of 1 to 10 what his pain was today. He said in the mid 9's. For someone who normally says he is "alright" I know he must really be in pain. I don't know what to do. So I think I am just going to wait it out.
We have been contacted by the coordinator for a different surgeon. Rick went over all his problems and she is going to discuss it with the surgeon and then get back to us. I don't know if I should contact them to let them know how bad his pain is getting or if I should just wait til they call back. I don't want to seem too anxious about all of this, but I am.
What we found comforting and interesting was how concerned and "on top" of things the rheumatologist was yesterday. He was very concerned when he found out that Rick is actually doing worse. Apparently the back is so bad on his body that it is causing the joint disease to flare up and is probably the reason for the flare in the Crohn's as well. It could possibly have something to do with the PSC acting up as well. But that is not for certain. The doctor had originally, back in November, said not to have surgery. But now he is saying that Rick definitely needs surgery because this is affecting his other disease processes that can be life threatening. He also gave us some good advice on what kind of surgery options to choose from.
I am reeling at this point. It has been a long 3 months since Rick's back pain started. And a really long past 12 months. To think about how much he is suffering with now is heartbreaking. I just can't believe all of this is happening to him. I just have to pray and believe that God has a hand in this and will be there for us. I just don't know how much more I can take. I don't know how much more Rick can take. He is so strong, but I know there is a breaking point. He is so amazing; still working and teaching. Most people have no idea how much pain he is in because he can just push through the pain and go on with his day. If only they knew the truth. If only.
I would really appreciate prayers for Rick. He really needs a break. His body really needs a break. I am really worried about his health right now. We also need prayers that this surgeon will realize how badly Rick needs this surgery and will operate ASAP.
Until next time,
We have been contacted by the coordinator for a different surgeon. Rick went over all his problems and she is going to discuss it with the surgeon and then get back to us. I don't know if I should contact them to let them know how bad his pain is getting or if I should just wait til they call back. I don't want to seem too anxious about all of this, but I am.
What we found comforting and interesting was how concerned and "on top" of things the rheumatologist was yesterday. He was very concerned when he found out that Rick is actually doing worse. Apparently the back is so bad on his body that it is causing the joint disease to flare up and is probably the reason for the flare in the Crohn's as well. It could possibly have something to do with the PSC acting up as well. But that is not for certain. The doctor had originally, back in November, said not to have surgery. But now he is saying that Rick definitely needs surgery because this is affecting his other disease processes that can be life threatening. He also gave us some good advice on what kind of surgery options to choose from.
I am reeling at this point. It has been a long 3 months since Rick's back pain started. And a really long past 12 months. To think about how much he is suffering with now is heartbreaking. I just can't believe all of this is happening to him. I just have to pray and believe that God has a hand in this and will be there for us. I just don't know how much more I can take. I don't know how much more Rick can take. He is so strong, but I know there is a breaking point. He is so amazing; still working and teaching. Most people have no idea how much pain he is in because he can just push through the pain and go on with his day. If only they knew the truth. If only.
I would really appreciate prayers for Rick. He really needs a break. His body really needs a break. I am really worried about his health right now. We also need prayers that this surgeon will realize how badly Rick needs this surgery and will operate ASAP.
Until next time,
Sunday, February 8, 2009
It's Girl Scout Cookie Time

I was a Girl Scout for a long time too. I remember going door to door peddling the cookies. We also used to sell calendars, but they don't do that anymore. I have so many memories and experiences that came from being a Girl Scout. I got to go to Japan for 3 weeks. And I made friends that have lasted over the years. In fact Samantha is in the same troop with two girls whose Mom was in Girl Scouts with me. Amazing how things come around again.
So if you want to order some cookies you know someone who is selling them. And if you work with me or Rick you will be seeing the order form soon. So I will leave you with this:
Samantha says "Would you like to buy some Girl Scout Cookies?"
Until next time,
Friday, February 6, 2009
Bad Day Again
This time it isn't me. Rick is having a bad day today. He has been sleeping in the recliner since the middle of the night because of a migraine. So along with the itching and the hurting back, today he is suffering with a migraine. I can't imagine how he lives like that. I can't believe he has too. It is just not fair.
We haven't heard back about the ridiculous allergy tests yet. I am assuming because he doesn't have an allergy. It is the PSC.
The last couple days I have been wondering how did we get here. I mean, how did all of this become our life? The financial problems, the health problems. It is all so overwhelming. And is so sad. I am trying not to focus on it, but there is no way to get away from it. I just wish we could run away from it but I know that isn't possible.
Until next time,
We haven't heard back about the ridiculous allergy tests yet. I am assuming because he doesn't have an allergy. It is the PSC.
The last couple days I have been wondering how did we get here. I mean, how did all of this become our life? The financial problems, the health problems. It is all so overwhelming. And is so sad. I am trying not to focus on it, but there is no way to get away from it. I just wish we could run away from it but I know that isn't possible.
Until next time,
Monday, February 2, 2009
Bad Day
I had such a bad day at work today. And it isn't the job, it is someone at work that hasn't been very nice to me ever since I started working there. I really love my job, and everyone else that I work with. But this person was so rude to me today that even my boss had a talk with me after everyone had left and told me that I am doing a good job. And he isn't one to hand out the compliments. I have been working more hours and I am not used to being gone for so long. So it is hard for me sometimes to be at work, but then to be treated like I was today makes it even harder.
And then to top off the day I got a call from the GI doctor's nurse saying that the doctor doesn't think Rick's itching is due to the PSC, but caused by some kind of allergic reaction. He hasn't changed anything; not soap, medications, food, nothing. I KNOW it is the PSC and not an allergic reaction to something. And Rick feels the same way. He is going for even more bloodwork tomorrow to prove the doctor wrong. This doctor always seems to pass off the PSC and tries to blame something else for any symptoms Rick may have. Whenever Rick has what we know to be a cholangitis attack the doctor always says it was probably just the flu. The problem is there is only one hepatologist in our area and he is impossible to get an appointment with. So we are forced to stay with his current doctor. This is the exact reason we went to The Mayo Clinic this past summer. And right now I am really wishing we could deal with that doctor, but it isn't that easy to just jump on a plane and go pay him a visit. Hopefully the benefit for Rick in March will raise enough money to get him on a plane this summer to go back for the yearly visit the Mayo doctor wants Rick to make.
Rick takes a medication for the PSC that doesn't control it, or really help it in any way. But it does keep his liver enzyme numbers looking normal. Ever since he started taking this medication those numbers have stayed normal. I think that may be part of the problem with his doctor not giving much attention to the PSC. Rick is considering not taking that medication anymore because it has already been proven to not really do anything but keep the numbers normal anyway. His Mayo doctor was one of the leading doctor's in the study of this medication and has drastically lowered most patients intake of the drug anyway. So Rick is contemplating whether to refill the prescription or not since it runs out this week.
I know I said before This Too Shall Pass, but sometimes it is so hard to stay in that frame of mind.
Until next time,
And then to top off the day I got a call from the GI doctor's nurse saying that the doctor doesn't think Rick's itching is due to the PSC, but caused by some kind of allergic reaction. He hasn't changed anything; not soap, medications, food, nothing. I KNOW it is the PSC and not an allergic reaction to something. And Rick feels the same way. He is going for even more bloodwork tomorrow to prove the doctor wrong. This doctor always seems to pass off the PSC and tries to blame something else for any symptoms Rick may have. Whenever Rick has what we know to be a cholangitis attack the doctor always says it was probably just the flu. The problem is there is only one hepatologist in our area and he is impossible to get an appointment with. So we are forced to stay with his current doctor. This is the exact reason we went to The Mayo Clinic this past summer. And right now I am really wishing we could deal with that doctor, but it isn't that easy to just jump on a plane and go pay him a visit. Hopefully the benefit for Rick in March will raise enough money to get him on a plane this summer to go back for the yearly visit the Mayo doctor wants Rick to make.
Rick takes a medication for the PSC that doesn't control it, or really help it in any way. But it does keep his liver enzyme numbers looking normal. Ever since he started taking this medication those numbers have stayed normal. I think that may be part of the problem with his doctor not giving much attention to the PSC. Rick is considering not taking that medication anymore because it has already been proven to not really do anything but keep the numbers normal anyway. His Mayo doctor was one of the leading doctor's in the study of this medication and has drastically lowered most patients intake of the drug anyway. So Rick is contemplating whether to refill the prescription or not since it runs out this week.
I know I said before This Too Shall Pass, but sometimes it is so hard to stay in that frame of mind.
Until next time,
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