Friday, February 13, 2009

Something to mull over

The meeting with the surgeon went fantastic. The surgeon is phenomenal. He was very friendly and even sat down and said "let's talk friend to friend." We were both so impressed with him. He spent close to an hour with us and went over everything! He gave Rick two options for surgery to research over the weekend and then call on monday to set it up.

The surgery options are very different from each other. One is minor surgery, one is major surgery. One "might" help, one "will" help. One will mean only a short time off work, one will mean a long time off work. Rick is still undecided. I am leaning more towards the major surgery. Only because it is most likely of the two to alleviate the back pain.

One of the new things that we were told is that Rick has a strange presentation of his spine. In a normal back the lowest disc is L5-S1. In Rick his lowest disc L4-L5. Apparently his L5-S1 is not a disc, and is part of the deformity of his lower back. It is really intriguing how many medical mysteries have been discovered in Rick.

I can't believe how much pain he is in. He can hardly move at this point. And believe it or not standing up is easier than sitting. So it is important that we weigh all the options and think things through.

Please pray that we make the right decision for Rick, and that it is what is needed to send him on the road to healing.

Until next time,

1 comment:

JackieThomposn said...

I am sure with prayer, yall will make the right choice. I agree with you that the one that WILL help, is the ine that should take place, but i am sure Rick doesn't want to take the time off. I hope the choice that will help in the long run will weigh heavier on his mind. I am afraid that if he does the one that has shorter recovery he might have to do the other one in the long run. That would mean two surgeries.
On another note Rick inspires me not to complain of my minor aches and pains as I know his are much worse... I REALLY WISH I COULD BE THERE FOR THE TWO OF YOU.... I am not being the best friend you need...