Thursday, February 12, 2009

Big News

Rick's rheumatologist called him tonight and told him that he has found a surgeon that is very sympathetic to Rick's situation. And the amazing thing is that this surgeon is meeting with us at 8 a.m. tomorrow, on his day off. Can you believe it?!?! A surgeon is meeting with us on his day off. That is unheard of!! I have a feeling this is the surgeon that is going to finally help Rick. And the really nice thing is that Rick won't have to explain everything to this guy because the rheumatologist already did it. He apparently laid it all out there and this surgeon is really interested in helping and understands that non-surgical techniques are not an option at this point. I will let you all know what happens tomorrow. You can check in on my twitters for updates as well.

You may have noticed my twitter from earlier today. I was asked to tell our story at the meeting at the girls school tonight. I am not really a public speaker so I was very nervous about it. The president of the program introduced me by telling about the benefit coming up on March 24th. Then I spoke about our situation. I spoke from the heart, and didn't really touch much on the clinical stuff. Apparently I did a good job at speaking because people were crying. And after the meeting I had a line of people wanting to talk to me and give me hugs. I was even given McDonald's gift certificates for the girls. Because the school has a fundraiser that sells gift cards people bought them after the meeting and handed them to me. I talked to people that I have never even met before. Everyone was very supportive and wanted to help. I got lots of offers for babysitting the girls. It was an amazing experience. Especially since I didn't even know what I was going to say. I was so nervous and my legs were shaking. I didn't cry though. But once I saw other people crying I had to look away so that I wouldn't start crying too. It is so humbling to have so many people wanting to help us.

Rick has his ultrasound tomorrow afternoon. He is going to have a busy day with the surgeon in the morning and the ultrasound in the afternoon. Please join me in praying for a productive day. I am praying that tomorrow will bring us some answers and lead us on the right path. It will be a busy day.

Until next time,


Dawn said...

This is truly wonderful news!!! Doctors like this make up for all the clueless ones out there.

JackieThomposn said...

I am so happy for yall!! I am glad you have some good news!
Love you