Wednesday, June 3, 2009

It's A Tie!

We have decided that we have a tie for first place for Rick's best doctor. Dr. S (the surgeon) and Dr. C (the rheumatologist) have tied for best doctor!!

Rick had an appointment last week with Dr. C (yes I know this post is a few days late). Rick has some swelling of his joints and so it seems that the joint disease (spondyloarthropathy) is acting up a little bit. But with going back to work it isn't surprising. If things don't regulate themselves we will look into starting a different drug therapy to control the joint disease. There are a couple new drugs that have just been approved by the FDA. So at least there are some options.

Dr. C wasn't really surprised by the fact that the spinal fusion hadn't taken yet. He agreed with Dr. S that it is most likely due to all of Rick's disease processes. He did say, very adamantly, that he knew that Rick needed this surgery and that he never would have gotten better on his own. That is why he put himself out there and personally called Dr. S. In that phone conversation he made it very clear how important it was that Rick have surgery. And Dr. S was obviously very supportive and completely understood the reason that it needed to be done. And so the two of them worked together and made it the great experience that it was.

Dr. S had joked with us about wanting us to tell Dr. C to send more patients his way since we had such a good experience with him. So we actually did. And Dr. C said he had already sent a couple patients to Dr. S because of how willing he was to work with Rick, and because he knew how well things had gone. So because of us Dr. S got more patients and some patients got a fantastic surgeon.

We are definitely blessed to have two wonderful doctors looking out for Rick's best interest!!! And even Dr. C's nurse is wonderful. She was very excited to see us and really wanted to know how things are going. Don't get me wrong, he does have other doctors, and they are good too. But these two are exceptional!!

Until next time,

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