Wednesday, June 17, 2009

A little of this, A little of that

Summer vacation officially started at 11 a.m. today. So from now until September it is our job to keep the girls from killing each other. Seriously, could they fight any more? I don't know how they are going to handle having to be together 24/7. And I don't know how Rick and I are going to survive it either.


I went to the neatest store tonight with my Mom. I got to talk with some ladies I haven't seen in a long time. It was a lot of fun. And I got to shop a little bit too. It is amazing how shopping improves my mood. I got some neat stuff to redecorate our bedroom. I mean, when the hubby says the bedroom needs to be redone, well, it must really need to be redone! I found a great new bedding set last summer that has been sitting in the basement since August. We just haven't had the time or money to change anything. But it really can't wait any longer. Besides, Oprah says that the bedroom should be a sanctuary. And I could really use a nice place to relax.


Tonight we had an awesome storm. It rained so hard that I started to wonder if maybe we should have had an arc. At one point the lightening was striking right above our house and Rick could feel the hair on the back of his neck stand up as he was watching it out the front window. It was really cool. The claps of thunder were crazy loud!! I love a good storm!!!


Rick has been having some issues with a swollen belly. I tried to call his GI doctor (not one of our two favorite doctors) and he said it was no big deal. Really?!?! His belly is swollen and tender and the doctor doesn't even want to see him just to check it out. It is so discouraging to have a doctor that doesn't seem concerned about anything that we call about. It seems that just about every time we have a concern that we bring up on our own he dismisses it like we don't know what we are talking about. (And no we don't call about every single tiny little twinge) It is very frustrating, for both of us.

So we are going to just watch it and if it gets worse we will call his primary care doctor, who is really good, and let him help Rick. If it stays about the same then we will just wait to deal with it until we go to the Mayo Clinic in July.


I hope you are all still enjoying the blog. Since I didn't hear from many readers after my last post it is hard to know if people still enjoy reading. One thing about comments is that they are kinda like a big 'ol pat on the back, or a big 'ol hug. It lets me know that blogging is worth it. If you don't know how to leave a comment, you just click on the comments below each post and leave a comment. I have allowed anonymous comments again so you don't have to set up a google account. I figured that since I am now moderating the comments before they post that it is safe to allow anonymous comments again. And I haven't had any problems since that one incident. Thank goodness! So that is how you leave a comment just in case you didn't know.


And now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

Until next time,


Anonymous said...

I enjoy reading your blog. We have nothing in common really, but I stumbled upon it one day, and now you are one of my "favorites". I hope everything turns out well with the swollen belly. I know how frustrating it is when drs don't listen.

Anonymous said...

Hi! I totally know your trepidations about summer vacation! For me, its more about childcare issues, since the kids don't fight much, yet. haha. We just work it out week by week. For me, the lack of structure makes me crazy! I'd like to see them go to school year round, but with lots of breaks here and there. However, nobody asked me! Hope Rick gets to feeling better, I would be so frustrated with a Dr who doesn't seem concerned, especially with Rick's history!

Keep up the good work with the blog!

Laney said...

I am still reading your blog! I found it, I think, by google searching "cirrhosis, PSC, blogs." It has been so helpful for me to see another couple that struggles with the same problems and gets through it all together. Although we've never met, I continually keep Rick in my prayers.

Please make sure the doctors take the belly swelling seriously! Could be ascites starting to rear their ugly head. Hopefully it is nothing, but I'd want to make sure they are on top of that.

Petree Clan said...

yep, I still read your blog... just haven't replied to much in a while! Hope your summer is great... !

JackieThomposn said...

You know I still read your blog... I haven't been able to sit down and read it in awhile though because we have been so busy around here. Can't you give his primary a call before it gets worse??? I worry about him you know, and I figure better to be safe than sorry. Maybe I am just being paranoid... Maybe he just needs to fart... LOL You know I am funny