Friday, June 26, 2009

Paper Pants Part 2 and Bone Growth

Going to see Dr. S has become even more fun when we get to play with the paper pants!!! When life hands you lemons, wear paper pants. I mean, really, with everything life has thrown at us lately it is good to just be able to be silly.

And now that you are finished laughing, or maybe your not, it is time for the results. Dr. S said that there is early bone growth. Thank God!! There were two different angles of x-rays taken. The only x-ray that shows the growth is the side view. The bone growth wasn't able to be seen in the front angle x-ray which proves that it is early bone growth and isn't dense enough to be seen in the front view. But we are just so thrilled that there is finally progress.

Rick no longer has to wear his brace except for when he is at work. And speaking of work, he was released to work full time again too. He still has a weight restriction but it has been raised to 25 pounds. And Dr. S also wants Rick to start physical therapy 3 times a week for the next 12 weeks. He will be focusing on core work to strengthen his core and avoid any further damage to the back. Maybe he will get that 6-pack I have always wanted.

Rick will go back to see Dr. S again in 6 weeks for more x-rays. Dr. S wants to make sure that the fusion is solid by 6 months post-surgery, which is September. So that is the next big goal to achieve. Come on fusion!!!

Rick is doing really good lately. He has been painting the trim on the house and doing yard work. It is nice to have him back, but I also miss having all that time together too. Things seem much more normal again, but normal means less time together. Oh well, I would rather have him feeling this way!!

Until next time,


Blonde Momma said...

"normal" is so good sometimes :)

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I am so happy for all of you. Y'all deserve normal again :)

BTW, I love the paper pants post. They always make me laugh.

from Dallas

Susan said...

Hi Rick,
Those paper pants really add a lot to your look...comfortable, yet so stylish!! Seriously, here's looking forward to a return to normal.
Love, Mom