Saturday, June 13, 2009

Happy Blogiversary!

Today marks one year ago today that I made my first blog entry. You can click here to read my very first entry. So much has happened since that first blog post. So much more than I could have ever imagined.

I started going back through some of the posts last night. I am amazed at how much our life has changed. It was fun to reread some of those old posts, and it was sad to reread others. I have had posts about all the pills Rick takes everyday, had posts about me, had posts about Rick, and posts about the girls. Of course there were lots of posts about Rick's health, which I won't even link to because there are just so darn many of them. And everything in between.

The most ironic post I came across you can find here. On December 31, 2008 I thought that 2008 was a terrible year and that 2009 would have to be better. OMG!!!! How could I have been so wrong?!?! I never expected to have Rick in the hospital, not once but twice.

I know this has been a wild ride. I know that some of my readers probably went away because of all the downs, and few ups. And I probably gained readers because of the downs, and hopefully because they like reading what I have to say. I really hope that you all have enjoyed this blog. It has been very therapeutic for me to be able to write it all down, and even let it all out sometimes.

And I do realize that sometimes there may have been too much information. But this has been a great way for me to keep track of everything. And if what I wrote helped someone, then it was worth it.

I appreciate all the love and support that we have received via this blog over the past year. I know there are people out there reading that have stumbled upon this blog from one way or another. I would REALLY love to hear how you found my blog. It would mean a lot to me to have my readers leave a comment and let me know how long you have been following us. Don't be shy! I want to hear from you! I would like to know the circumstances in which you discovered my blog. Or maybe you have been following from the beginning. Maybe you have been following for two days. Maybe you are healthy, or maybe you are not. Maybe you have something in common with Rick or with me. I would really love to know about you.

Thank you for reading and joining us on this roller coaster. "It may be a crazy life, but it's our life."

Happy 1st Blogiversary!!!

Until next time,


Susan said...

Happy 1st Bloganniversary! I love reading your blogs. Even though I am your mother and know much of what is happening in your life, I love getting inside your head with your blog. You have a wonderful way of expressing yourself...both the ups and downs of your life.

I do hope your readers will begin leaving more comments. It has been equally interesting hearing from your fellow bloggers.

Love, Mom

JackieThomposn said...

HAPPY BLOGANNIVERSARY!!! Of course I have been following your blog for a year. I know that I could leave more messages, but as I am sure you understand.... Life gets busy. I love having your blog because I am not there to help you through this tough time. You are such an insipiration to so many... :) Of course none of us ever knew what you would have to endure, but you have come out with such shining colors. "God will never give us more than we can handle", and girl... YOU CAN HANDLE ALOT!!!
Hang in there, and I love you....

Mom2theCs said...


I have been reading your blog for a while now and really enjoy keeping up with you guys and following your journey. I found your blog when I was looking for blogs about liver disease. I don't have PSC, but I do have another type of liver disease. I think that is why I enjoy reading your blog, it is nice to hear from people that can relate.

I am thinking of you and your family and wish you guys all the best.

Anonymous said...

I ran across your site while searcing for blogs about liver transplants. My husband had a liver transplant just over a year ago. He is doing well today, but I still like to check in on others and see what their experiences have been like. Thanks for giving us a peek into your lives!

Linda - Wichita, KS

Anonymous said...

This is Toni. Can't remember my password for comments. Happy 1st Bloganniversary! I've been following your blog since late last year. I did a search of blogs to see if there were any people out there with PSC like my husband has and how they are dealing with it. I've enjoyed reading about your ups and downs and it has helped me tremendously to know that I'm not alone in this journey. Thanks so much. And also thanks so much for the help you have given me through emails. Keep going strong. God Bless.