Monday, June 1, 2009

Junior Girl Scout

Samantha is now a Junior Girl Scout. This weekend she participated in a small bridging ceremony. She and two other girls from her troop bridged to Juniors. Sam now joins the majority of her troop as a Junior Girl Scout.

This is Sam as a Brownie Girl Scout just moments before the bridging ceremony:

She had to read an excerpt from a poem about becoming a Junior Scout:

Here she is crossing the "bridge" to become a Junior Girl Scout:

Troop Leader Brenda puts Sam's new vest on her and hands her the certificate and flowers to congratulate her on becoming a Junior Girl Scout:

Here is my big girl following the bridging ceremony:

I enjoyed being a Girl Scout. And so far Samantha is following in my footsteps. We are currently trying to find a troop for Megan to join. If all else fails she will become the youngest member of Samantha's troop.

I am glad that Sam has enjoyed being a Girl Scout. She has already learned so many things. Like this weekend, for example, she and her troop worked on a cooking badge during the overnight trip they took. And now Sam can't stop talking about wanting to cook for us. Granted we don't really have much food in the house for her to cook for us. But still, it is fun to see her so excited about something.

Today we went to the Girl Scout office and bought the Junior Girl Scout badge book. We plan to work on a few badges this summer. We did this the last couple summers to help Sam earn some Brownie try-its. But the Junior badges take a lot more work. But it will be something fun to work on during summer vacation.

Until next time,


Brandee said...

How wonderful! Congratulations on a hard earned achievement, Sam! Now you must ask Mom to buy you the ingredients for my 'Chocolate Addiction Bars'. Easy as can be and perfect for a junior baker.

Denise said...

Congratulations Samantha! Last night Paco took Cole to an introductory cub scout meeting, and I don't know which one of them is more excited! When they got home Paco dug out his cub scout uniform and Cole is wearing it as we speak! I have been thinking about getting Gracie into girl scouts...not sure yet what I'll do!

Susan said...

Wow! A fourth generation Girl Scout!! As you know, I love Girl Scouting. Your Grandmother was my leader, just as I was your leader. The values learned through Scouting last a lifetime. I am thrilled that Samantha loves Scouting as much as you and I did.
Love, Mom