Friday, October 31, 2008
Trick or Treat
Now I have a big bowl of pumpkin seeds to cook this afternoon. Yummy!!! And then we will spend the evening trick-or-treating. I will post pictures tonight of my cute girls all dressed up for halloween. Right now I am on my way to the school for Megan's class party.
Have a safe and fun halloween!
Until next time,
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Birthday
Today you turned 5 years old. You are such a sweet boy Noah!! I hope you have a wonderful birthday and we are looking forward to your party on sunday.
We love you very much!!
Aunt Jaime, Uncle Rick, Sam & Megan
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Christmas Already
And the closer it gets to Christmas the colder it gets. I am already so cold. I hope we don't have as much snow as last year. That was a bit too much!
Until next time,
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Drumline is Money
Friday, October 24, 2008
My Favorite City.....
Here is Mt. Rainier on our way this morning. It was a little cloudy so it isn't really clear.
I really like going to Alki Beach in west seattle. I think it is so pretty and the colors are really beautiful right now.
Tomorrow we will spend all day with the band. Hopefully it won't be too cold. And then the plan is to go home a different route through Leavenworth. I can only imagine how pretty it will be this time of year. I plan to try to take some pictures of the fall colors. Hopefully the weather will be nice on sunday so that I can get some good shots.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
The guilt I feel is about the time I don't have with Sam after school anymore. I have picked her up from school everyday, except on a rare occasion, since she was three years old in preschool. I don't get to hear about her day on the car ride home. And by the time I get home she doesn't want to talk about school. She has asked me if I am ever gonna pick her up from school again. That just makes me sad. And she has melt downs because she says that she doesn't get to see me very much anymore. Which is true. By the time I get home from work I only get to see her for like two hours before it is bedtime.
And the house is suffering as well. I had no idea that working part time would cause me to get so far behind in the housework. And suffice it to say, we have not been eating very good either. I don't have time to make good meals anymore, as if they were good before anyway. But they definitely aren't any too healthy. I don't know how full time working parents do it. I am so lucky that Rick is home in the afternoons. At least that helps a little.
The thing that makes it all bearable is that I love my job. I really do enjoy going to work everyday. Even though my chair sucks and my back hurts at the end of the day. All my coworkers are great and it feels so good to be appreciated. Today my boss told me he loved me because I can do so many different tasks that need to be done. I have been trained on pieces of everyone's job. I have so many different little tasks that I have to accomplish everyday, but it is so much fun.
When I realized that I was going to have to get a job I was worried about what kind of job I would find. I really haven't worked since before Sam was born. (I don't really consider that Realtor thing I did much of a job) I didn't have a lot of experience or qualifications for very many jobs. I started praying about it during the summer, while also trying to think of something that might be interesting. Then my sister-in-law Tonia mentioned to my mom that the company she worked for was thinking about hiring somebody to work part time. Suddenly the pieces started falling into place. I just know that God had a hand in me getting this job. It has worked out so well for us. This has been such an answer to prayer for me.
I am sure that if the time is right for me to work more hours then it will happen. In the mean time I will enjoy still being able to pick Megan up from school everyday.
Until next time,
Monday, October 20, 2008
Band Nerds
Our weekends have been full with marching band competitions during the month of october. This weekend we will be going to Everett and that is the final competition for the season. Rick's drumline has come in first place in their division twice.
Here is a video of the show that Rick and the other instructors have been so diligently teaching since august.
Rick and Logan had some fun together in the gym in Yakima this past saturday.
Rick and Mark (the Band Director) had some fun as well.
I actually do enjoy going with Rick and helping out with the drummers. They are good kids. Sorry boys, if you are reading this, you are money.
Hope you enjoyed the little videos.
Until next time,
Friday, October 17, 2008
Cost before insurance: $5,496.38
Cost after insurance: $60.00
Prescription insurance: Priceless
So I had to pick up a couple of Rick's refills today and it struck me how much there was when it was all put into a big size grocery paper bag, with handles. And the amazing thing is this isn't all of it. He still has another one that needs to be refilled next week. The nice thing is that this is a three month supply of everything except for his Humira, which is his weekly injection. So if you add another prescription into the mix it would bring the total to well over $12,000 for a three month supply of everything, including three months worth of Humira. I would consider the insurance priceless, wouldn't you?
So just for fun I added up how many pills this is for three months. And the total is 2,340. Rick swallows 2,340 pills every three months. Yikes. And also that makes 12 shots as well. Double Yikes!!
Anyone wanna trade places? Any takers? I didn't think so.
Until next time,
Monday, October 13, 2008
Seven Things
1. I am scared to death of driving underneath bridges with trains going across them. I do not like the fact that a very heavy train is just above my head. I mean seriously, the train could fall off onto me. What? It could happen.
2. I do not like escalators. It isn't even that I don't like them, its just that I can't go down them. I look at the moving steps and then look down and I just can't step onto them. I get dizzy and I just can't do it. I am being serious, don't laugh.
3. My favorite sport to watch is college basketball. I don't know what it is but I seriously enjoy watching college basketball. I do not like watching professional basketball. Go Zags!!!
4. I am not a morning person. I do not like having to get up early. I would much rather sleep in and take my time getting going in the mornings. Maybe that's why I love summer so much, because I don't have to get the kids up early for school. Oh I wish it was summer again.
5. I LOVE Christmas. And I am being very serious. I love everything about Christmas. I love the decorations and the shopping. I love spending time with family and the carols. I love the Christmas tree and the way the garland smells. Only a month and a half and I can start decorating.
6. I love Starbucks. That probably wasn't news to a lot of people. But I really do love starbucks. If I could afford it I would buy it everyday. Seriously, everyday!!
7. I love my dog, but I don't like to be licked by dogs. Jack is great but I really don't like it when he licks me. I have never liked it and it totally grosses me out when I see people let their dogs lick them on the face, and even worse, on their mouth. I mean it, don't you realize where their mouths have been?
If you would like to post a few things about yourself in the comments section under this post I would seriously love it!!! Seriously!!! It would be fantastic.
Until next time,
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Littlest Pet Shop
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Soccer Saturday
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
"Mom I have a question."
Samantha: "Mom I have a question"
Me: "What"
Samantha: "Do you have lots of songs and words running around in your head?"
Me: "No, why, do you?"
Samantha: "Yes, and sometimes it makes me crazy. I sounds like lalalala wewewewew."
Me: "Oh, okay."
So that answers the million dollar question of why Samantha is the way she is. LOL!!!!!!!
FYI: No puppy accidents today. Yippee!
Until next time,
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Poop Deck
Jack has also been nipping at the girls as well. Tonight Megan was laying on the floor and he bit her nose. He wasn't like this until a few days ago. I can't have Jack biting my girls.
I don't know what to do. I don't know how to train a dog. I was so excited when he was so good at first. I thought that I was really lucky. Now I am just peeved. Maybe I just haven't been giving him as much love. He is a puppy and maybe he just needs some lovin'. Afterall, his big giant stuffed dog can only take so much lovin' if you know what I mean.
Until next time,
Monday, October 6, 2008
Grandma's doing good
Until next time,
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Exhaustion and Prayers
I am also asking for prayers for my Grandma. Tomorrow morning she is going to have pace maker surgery. Her heart has been out of rhythm for a long time now and we are hoping this is going to really help her. My new little niece Madylin Ruth is named after Grandma Ruth.
And one other thing tonight. There has been a gun threat at the high school that Rick does marching band at. The school has been shut down for tomorrow due to the district feeling like this is a real threat. This hits too close to home for me. We know so many students there and the high school is literally just a couple blocks from Sam and Megan's elementary school. I pray that the threats were just threats and that the teenager is found before anything could potentially happen.
Until next time,
Friday, October 3, 2008
Busy Weekend
Tomorrow is also my Grandma's birthday. The entire family is going out to dinner tonight to celebrate with her. It will be loud and we will probably annoy the entire restaurant but it is worth it. Happy Birthday Grams!!! I love you!!!!
Until next time,
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
This was the best part of my day:
Sweet Baby Girl
I just adore this sweet little girl. I could go over to see her everyday but I think I would drive my sister crazy. I am bringing Sam over tonight to hold Madylin some more. She is very excited about the new baby and she is old enough to really enjoy holding her.
Until next time,