Sunday, October 5, 2008

Exhaustion and Prayers

I am so very tired today. Yesterday started at 5 am and ended at 1 am. It was an interesting day in Pasco. Marching band competition is usually a busy day. And to top it off, it was really cold and windy. I kinda like going with Rick to these things because it is about the only time I get to be with him during marching band season. Percussion placed first in their division for prelims. Good job Rick and Heather!!

I am also asking for prayers for my Grandma. Tomorrow morning she is going to have pace maker surgery. Her heart has been out of rhythm for a long time now and we are hoping this is going to really help her. My new little niece Madylin Ruth is named after Grandma Ruth.

And one other thing tonight. There has been a gun threat at the high school that Rick does marching band at. The school has been shut down for tomorrow due to the district feeling like this is a real threat. This hits too close to home for me. We know so many students there and the high school is literally just a couple blocks from Sam and Megan's elementary school. I pray that the threats were just threats and that the teenager is found before anything could potentially happen.

Until next time,

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