Monday, October 13, 2008

Seven Things

Here are seven things that you may not know about me:

1. I am scared to death of driving underneath bridges with trains going across them. I do not like the fact that a very heavy train is just above my head. I mean seriously, the train could fall off onto me. What? It could happen.

2. I do not like escalators. It isn't even that I don't like them, its just that I can't go down them. I look at the moving steps and then look down and I just can't step onto them. I get dizzy and I just can't do it. I am being serious, don't laugh.

3. My favorite sport to watch is college basketball. I don't know what it is but I seriously enjoy watching college basketball. I do not like watching professional basketball. Go Zags!!!

4. I am not a morning person. I do not like having to get up early. I would much rather sleep in and take my time getting going in the mornings. Maybe that's why I love summer so much, because I don't have to get the kids up early for school. Oh I wish it was summer again.

5. I LOVE Christmas. And I am being very serious. I love everything about Christmas. I love the decorations and the shopping. I love spending time with family and the carols. I love the Christmas tree and the way the garland smells. Only a month and a half and I can start decorating.

6. I love Starbucks. That probably wasn't news to a lot of people. But I really do love starbucks. If I could afford it I would buy it everyday. Seriously, everyday!!

7. I love my dog, but I don't like to be licked by dogs. Jack is great but I really don't like it when he licks me. I have never liked it and it totally grosses me out when I see people let their dogs lick them on the face, and even worse, on their mouth. I mean it, don't you realize where their mouths have been?

If you would like to post a few things about yourself in the comments section under this post I would seriously love it!!! Seriously!!! It would be fantastic.

Until next time,


Susan said...

Like Mother, Like Daughter
1. I really don't have a problem with bridges, so I don't know where that came from.
2. I avoid escalators whenever possible. Looking down into those wide open spaces makes my heart leap into my throat.
3. Your Grandma really enjoys the Zags and has developed a love of college basketball.
4. I have learned to enjoy the morning, but really, I feel much better in the summer when I can sleep in.
5. Christmas is MY favorite holiday too..the decorating, the outdoor lighting, family time, and even the shopping. I remember watching my grandfather place sparkling silver tinsel on our tree one string at a time. Our family tradition marches on!!!
6. Coffee...yuck!! Have you tried Chai tea??
7. I also cringe at doggie kisses!!
So there you have it. You are your mother's daughter!!
Love, Mom

Dawn said...

1. Bridges don't bother me, but tunnels scare me to death. Whenever I drive through a tunnel, I freak.
2. I don't mind the escalator ride, I just don't like the part where you get off the escalator because I am always sure that I going to see someone zone out, trip and get their hair caught in there or something.
3. I cannot stand watching college or pro sports. Yuck.
4. I need 9 or 10 hours of sleep each night, so getting up before 7:30am kills me.
5. I like the true meaning of Christmas, but the holiday shopping and decorating and all frenzy fills me with dread.
6. I LOVE good coffee. But not Starbucks. Jaime, you have to visit me in Portland so I can introduce to some truly fine espresso!!!
7. I don't mind the doggie kisses, as long as I can find some soap and water right away!

Blonde Momma said...

I love Christmas too!!!!!