Monday, January 26, 2009

What is it? Gastritis? Ulcer? Who Knows?

I went to the doctor this morning because I was having a lot of pain yesterday. I had an appointment scheduled for wednesday but I couldn't wait any longer. I probably should have waited though. My doctor isn't there on monday so I had to see a PA. The guy was nice but didn't really get it. He told me to eliminate stress by getting up 30 minutes early and walking around the neighborhood. Now how am I supposed to do that with two kids at home? Anyway, he said that looking into the stomach was not necessary and to take prevacid instead of prilosec. I tried to explain how much pain I am in but he didn't think that it is a big deal because my bloodwork is "okay".

I don't know what to do. I am really starting to lose trust in doctors. I hurt so bad, and nothing makes me feel better. It hurts when I eat. It hurts when I don't eat. I doesn't matter what I eat, it still hurts, even toast hurts. I asked if there was something I could take for the pain and was told no.

And to top it off Rick is sick today. He was up in the middle of the night puking. He didn't go to work today. I think it was probably a small cholangitis attack. It has happened like this before and that has been the consensus as to what it is.

We looked at each other last night and couldn't help but laugh. We are quite the pair. And definitely our parenting is suffering. The poor girls are so neglected.

I did get the name of surgeon today and I left a message with his coordinator. So we shall if Rick is able to get in with this guy. Let's hope so, he is the surgeon that did my boss's back surgery. And he was told by other surgeons that they would not operate, but this guy would. So hopefully this will work out. Please join me in praying for guidance for this surgeon, that he will know that Rick really needs some relief.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Hi Jaime,
When Carl was sick his gastroentrologist gave him a standing prescription for antibiotics. So, whenever he had a cholangitis attack, he didn't have to go to the doc or get tests or whatever -- he could just fill the prescription.

As for the PA you saw today, yeah, sounds like he didn't get it. I'm sorry this stuff keeps happening to you. Carl and I are still praying for you.
