Sunday, January 18, 2009

What to eat, what to eat

I don't know what to eat. I am still dealing with pain off and on during the day. I don't know if what I am eating plays a part in that or not. I have been very careful about what I eat. I am hungry because I haven't been eating very much. I think the pain is better because it isn't constant. Has anyone ever dealt with something like this before? Is there advice you can give me?

Tonight the girls are going to their Grandma's house to have a girls night with their cousin. I don't know what Rick and I are going to do. I actually don't have any ideas. I wanted to go to dinner at P.F. Changs but Rick doesn't think that would be a good idea considering my stomach pains. I want to do something besides sit on the couch. Oh well.

This is probably the most boring post of all time. I will most likely lose readers because of how boring this post is. I am so bored!

Until next time,


Dawn said...

Hi Jaime,
I recommend bland, low-fiber foods. Some people call it the BRAT diet. Bananas, rice, applesauce, toast. (and definitely stay away from tomatoes, anything else acidic, and anything greasy). This is also a good diet for Rick when he is having an Crohn's flare-up (did I spell Crohn's correctly?? you would think I could spell that word by now).

Unknown said...

Hi Jaime, and Rick and kids!Just wanted to visit your blog and see how you all were doing! We haven't seen you guys for a while and I always hope that you guys are doing better. My gosh.....I don't know anyone who has been through more junk than you guys. I hope that through it all, God has made you a stronger famliy, and I think this proves that if Jaime can get through all of this, she just might be the toughest girl I know! GRRR! Jaime, I just wanted to tell you that my mom struggled with some stomach stuff at your age also due to stress. She had to "makeover" herself and train herself to handle stress differently. We as women struggle with stress everyday(although your case is a special one). My mom's stuff resolved after she made some changes. Just a little light at the end of the tunnel for ya. I pray for you that you have a week less full of the junk and God may give you some extra peace this week. Check in with you later!
Love, Jenna