Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The One That Pissed Me Off

I have never ever posted on this blog looking for sympathy. Not one single entry has ever been made in the hopes of generating a huge outpouring of sympathy. This is MY blog. It is about my husband, but it is written by ME, about ME. I have no idea how my husband feels about the cards he has been dealt, and I have no idea what it feels like for anyone else. I am writing about how I feel. If you don't like Trev, don't read it.

I have never even imagined what it feels like to be my friend Erin whose husband was waiting for a second liver transplant. I have never imagined what it feels like to be my friend Dawn whose husband has had his liver transplant. I have never imagined what it feels like to be my friend Brandee who deals with Crohn's disease. I have never imagined what it felt like for my amazing cousin Amanda to battle leukemia only to lose that battle. And I certainly have never imagined how all the other PSCer's that I have connected with feel everyday.

I am not the one that deals with the health problems. I am the one that takes care of Rick, goes with him to every single appointment, stands by him through everything he has gone through. I don't ask him to feel sorry for me and I most certainly don't ask any one that happens to read this blog to feel sorry for me.

I started this blog so that our families could follow us during our visit to the Mayo Clinic. It is great that I have found some truly wonderful friends through blogging. But it was started as a means to keep family up to date, not to solicit sympathy.

If you don't know why I am writing this let me tell you. Some jerk named Trev claims that I am self centered because I wrote about trying to find MY normal. He thinks that writing about myself is self centered. I am the author of this blog and I am writing about my point of view. And like Rick said, isn't blogging self centered in itself? I mean, everyone's blogs are about themselves. Wouldn't that be considered self centered? I consider self centered someone that posts a comment about themselves accusing me of being self centered and not understanding the situation.

I have felt the need to enable comment moderation on the blog now so that I can monitor what is left in the comments. I have several friends that do that on their blog and so I will now be doing the same thing.

If you have commented here before and are worried that I think your comments were bad, please don't worry. This is only about Trev and his hurtful comment. I appreciate all the support and love and hugs that have been sent via this blog. Please don't be afraid to comment because of this. I promise I will still read them all and post them too (unless they are mean).

And now back to your regular blogging enjoyment.....


Haley said...

i don't know why some people have to be such jerks. i just connected to your blog for the first time and am very impressed with your point of view and how you are using this blog to express yourself. don't let one jerk keep you from expressing whatever you are feeling.

JackieThomposn said...

You are doing nothing wrong, and your blogs are wonderful. Your blogs are about the only way I can keep up with what is going on with yall. I am glad "Trev" hasn't made you stop blogging. don't let the haters win. :) Love ya, and sorry it has been awhile since my last comment... Lots going on here.
Love yall

Unknown said...

There was a chic blogger on Oprah a while ago who blogged about her postpartum depression. She said that she started the blog cuz she needed other moms to relate and make her feel less crazy. She said that she mostly had supportive comments and other moms stories of simular things....she also said that a lot of people hated her blog and commented on how negative it was and she shouldn't have had a baby if she was just gonna be sad and complain. In the end it was the blog that literally saved her life....just knowing that the way she was feeling was normal. She used her blog as an outlet and other moms were able to encourage her.
You can never make everyone happy. I think most of us can't even understand what you guys are going through....who are we to judge.