I think it is totally disgusting!! Rick was upset about it and Sam was crying. I was at work when I got the phone call. I called the dentist and he said to just wait till tomorrow to come in. He said to let the trauma done to the tooth calm down for tonight. Sam says the tooth is bothering her when the air gets on it, and it is really sensitive.
I don't know what they will be able to do to the tooth. But I hope that it can at least get covered up somehow. I really don't want to have to see it!!! It grosses me out!!!!
Until next time,
Yeah, I'm totally not cut out for THAT particular part of motherhood. That kind of stuff grosses me out like nothing else.
I am pretty grossed out by it!!! I just try not to look at her mouth. LOL!
She'll be good as new before long. She's probably the star of the classroom. 3rd graders love grossness!!
Love, Mom
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