Sunday, January 3, 2010


Apparently this is going to be the year for resolutions. I made one very big resolution that I thoroughly intend on keeping. So here goes my list of resolutions:

*I am going to lose weight, exercise and get healthy. I guess that is kinda three-in-one, but they go hand-in-hand. I have a big weight loss goal and I thoroughly intend on following through with this resolution. I need to feel better about myself.

*Feeling better about myself brings me into my next resolution. I want to be a better mother and wife. And feeling good about myself will help immensely in that goal. I want to yell less and spend more time together as a family. I am hoping that will ease the tension and fighting between the girls.

*I want to be more financially secure. I know that one is going to be probably the hardest to fulfill. But it begins with less frivolous spending which I plan to focus on seriously.

It may not seem like much, but those are some big items for me. Rick also has some resolutions that he made on his own. I hope that we are both able to achieve our goals for the year.

Until next time,


Denise said...

Great resolutions!! We can offer each other moral support on our weight loss journeys!!

Carrie said...

Great resolutions for sure! Last year I made similar decisions and I can't even begin to tell you how much more mellow I am. I also sleep better and generally feel so much better. I have been using Weight Watchers online. I would highly recommend it to anyone and everyone. If you decide to go that route, let me know - I have tons of helpful hints to share. For me it has been remarkably easy and my goal was lofty - 50+ pounds. I feel like I should be a paid spokesperson I'm so thrilled with how it has worked out.
Stay well in the new year!

Dawn said...

I'm cheering you on, Jaime!!!