I had so much fun with Not Me! Monday last week that I thought I would give it another shot. So here goes it:
I did not spend the entire week thinking about things I was doing that I could work into Not Me Monday. I mean it would be really silly to be going about ones day and thinking about Not Me Monday. I have too much to do to waste time being that silly. Nope, not me.
I did not put a dirty white shirt in the dryer with a couple dryer sheets so that I could wear it and it would smell like it was clean. It would be really gross to wear a dirty shirt just because there was nothing else clean to wear. Nope, not me.
I did not spend an entire week picking clean clothes out of a laundry basket because I was too lazy to fold it all. And I did not secretly wish that my poor aching husband would get tired of it and decide to fold some of it. And then he did not actually spend time folding all those clothes, even though he is supposed to be taking it easy. That would be so horrible and make me a terrible wife. That is why that did not happen. Nope, not in my house.
I did not spend 25 minutes straightening Samantha's beautiful curly hair. It would be silly to use a straightening iron on an 8 year olds naturally curly hair. And then I did not do it a second time because she likes it straight. That would be a huge waste of time. Nope, not me.
I did not start listening to Christmas music in the car a week before Thanksgiving. I am not that obsessed with Christmas. I did not go to the Dollar Store to buy decorations for my desk at work. And I did not immediately decorate my desk the day after Thanksgiving. Nope, not me.
I did not grab a garbage bag and fill it full of stuff from Samantha's room because she would not pick up. And I did not contemplate just throwing it all away so that I wouldn't have to deal with it anymore. I certainly do not have dozens of other stories just like this. Nope, not me.
And now hopefully some of you will add some of your "Not Me's" in the comments.
Until next time,