I have been tagged by my friend
Erin. Here are seven random things about me.

1. I love photography. I have been having fun playing with different angles and taking pictures of things besides people. I am getting really tired of the same posed pictures all the time. I have decided to start mixing it up and looking at things and events from a different perspective. I think it has made a difference in my photos.

2. I used to play the flute. I started in the 5th grade and played until my junior year of high school. I tried the oboe in the 7th grade, big mistake! And I played the piccolo during marching band my junior year. I became a drummer my senior year. I am a total band nerd.

3. My favorite season is summer. I enjoy the warm weather and lazy days at the lake. I love the way the air smells and the long hours of daylight. I think I was born in the wrong state. I wish I lived somewhere that was much warmer all year round.

4. I suck at math. I have to use a calculator more often than I should. It was always my worst subject in school. And yes I am embarrassed by this fact.

5. I hate laundry. I really hate laundry. I hate trying to match up socks and fold underwear. I hate trying to keep up with the insane amount of laundry 4 people produce. I would rather clean the toilet. I wish I could pay someone else to do my laundry for me.

6. I hate hospitals. Hospitals didn't use to bother me until lately. Ever since Rick got sick and had to go to the hospital for tests I have developed a hatred with the hospital. My stomach turns whenever I have to go to a hospital, even if it is to see a new baby.

7. My dream vacation would be to go to Italy. I would love to travel the entire coastline and visit the beautiful vineyards in Tuscany. I truly hope to travel there someday.
Now I am tagging:
Post seven random things about yourself and link back to your tagger (me). Please leave me a message so I now you have posted your seven things. Now go and have fun. This was my first tagging and I thought it was fun. I hope to get to read yours soon. And if you don't have a blog but would like to tell me your seven things go ahead and leave it in the comments under this post. Comon' people, I know you are out there, don't be shy about signing.
Until next time,
My 7 random, obscure things are now on my blog!
1. I love sleeping. I can take a nap at almost any time of the day. Sometimes I feel guilty for this hobby, but I truly do love sleeping.
2. I love cooking, all types! Our tiny apartment kitchen is a joke, and I cannot wait to have a real kitchen so I can comfortable prepare meals! I love new recipes.
3. I am not afraid to buy myself flowers. There is nothing that can cheer my up better than a fresh, beautiful bouquet.
4. I am very concerned about my carbon footprint. I recycle and reuse whenver possible and am never wasteful. I cannot wait to buy house so I can make green!
5. I am a craft nerd. I love sewing, cross stitch, embroidery, beading, anything! Maybe if I cut down on my sleeping a little I would have more time for nerdy crafts... hmmnnn...
6. I love reading. I was unable to read leisurely during college and now that I have time, I can't stop myself!
7. I hate computers. I use them daily but i hate having to keep up with all the changes and new technology, it drives me crazy!
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