Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Working for a living

I had an excellent day at work today. Today was my 90 day evaluation. My boss said that he doesn't normally score anyone above "meets expectations" because he said that is what an employee is supposed to do. He made a big point about how he doesn't ever say "exceeds expectations". But guess who got several "exceeds expectations"?????


And that meant a bigger raise than what he normally gives at 90 days.

So you might be wondering why I am making such a big deal about this. Well, as some of you know, Rick works a lot of jobs to help make ends meet. And lately it feels like the ends just are not meeting. I have been praying about it and not knowing what to do. I felt like there was just no way to bring in any more money. And then today I get a big raise.

This was such an answer to my prayer. I will admit that sometimes I don't notice the way God is working in my life, but today He showed me in a big way.

And I will be honest, this is just a start. We have a long way to go to get better financially. But this is the step in the right direction that I needed to prove that it is not hopeless.

So today I am actually feeling pretty good. Except when it comes to parenting, but that is a whole other can of worms. Maybe if I keep praying about that God will show me the way there too.

Until next time,


Connie said...

Dear Jaime,

Good for you!! I'm so proud of you! Isn't that a great feeling?? And don't knock your parenting skills either. You're a great Mom! Parenting can be very frustrating, especially when what works for one kid doesn't work for another, and there's so much parenting advice floating around. Just be patient with yourself and your kids, keep your eyes and your heart open, and you'll figure things out. Hmmmm... I don't know what that means, but it sounds good!

Love you "bunches",

Dawn said...

That's awesome, Jaime! Congrats!!!