Monday, November 10, 2008

Tagged Again

It seems I was tagged again, this time by my friend Heather. So here is a little Q&A.

wine OR beer
wine, most definatly wine. Beer is gross

coffee OR tea
coffee, starbucks rules!!

night gown OR pajamas
pajamas, really comfy pajamas

bath OR shower
shower, I love baths but my tub is too small

lefty OR righty

cake OR pie

pumpkin pie OR pecan pie
pumpkin pie, my sister makes an incredible pumpkin pie.

one story OR two story

dog OR cat
dog, I love Jack, he is a great little dog.

early bird OR night owl
night owl, I am most definatly not an early bird.

sport utility OR car

vanilla OR chocolate

scrambled OR over-easy
I actually prefer my eggs in an omelet with ham, green peppers and onions

dress OR pants

mustard OR ketchup
both, but I do like ketchup a little better

red OR green
it's a toss up, but together it is christmas and I love christmas.

laptop OR desktop

coke OR pepsi
cherry pepsi

flats OR high heels
flats, I hate high heels. I really can't walk in them.

fiction OR non-fiction
mostly fiction but I do have a good non-fiction book that I love.

pulp OR no pulp
NO pulp

hugs OR kisses
hugs, unless it is Rick and then I like kisses

will YOU play along OR won't you?

Now if you have a blog and you are reading this consider yourself tagged. I think it is fun to read these about other people. It is fun to learn things about others that I might not have known.

Until next time,

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