It has been crazy hot here so we have been having some fun cooling off in the pool. Even Rick got in the pool today, which is a big deal since he never gets in the pool. Megan is becoming quite the little swimmer. Those goggles have been the greatest purchase of the summer. Megan calls it her "snorfel". She wears it constantly and swims all over the pool wearing them. Sam likes them too but she doesn't use the snorkel, only the goggles. They would stay in the pool all day if we would let them. But with Megan's skin problems and the fact that I would have to be outside with them the entire time there is a limit.

I can't believe there is only two full weeks of vacation left. Where did the time go? Oh yeah, that's right, it was a very stressful summer. It's not like we were just sitting around doing nothing. I hope the weather stays nice, it is supposed to cool off dramatically this week. I want to enjoy some more pool time before school starts up again.
Until next time,
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