Friday, August 8, 2008


A good friend of mine called me a Rickologist. I love it!! "Ologist" means the study of. So I am in the study of Rick. LOL!!!

So we have added another "ologist" to the list of doctors. Rick has an appointment with a hematologist on August 21. His bloodwork from last week was all screwed up still and his rheumatologist is very concerned. So Rick was referred to what his rheumatologist calls the best hematologist in Spokane.

I have been googling some of the bloodwork results and I think Google can be worst enemy. But I want to know what all of the different values mean. It is interesting to find out all of the different cells that make up the white blood cells and red blood cells. And what they are supposed to be doing.

So I have a big concern. Rick's gastroenterologist is not concerned about the bloodwork and says that monthly bloodwork is all that is needed. The rheumatologist and his new internist are both concerned about the bloodwork and thought that a hematologist was needed. I would think that the GI would be concerned considering the Crohn's and PSC. And then the GI doesn't want to do a colonoscopy but the internist and Dr Lindor (Mayo) both think it should be done. Now the GI would get paid for doing the colonoscopy so one would think that he would do it. I am starting to wonder if maybe he is not the right doctor for Rick. I would hate to change the GI because there are so many factors in Rick's health. But I want to make sure that the doctor is going to take everything seriously and double check just to make sure that all is okay. Am I overreacting? Shouldn't his GI doctor be as concerned as the rest of them?

*****FYI: It has been 4 years since Rick's last (and first) colonoscopy. That is why we think it has been long enough.*****

So we know that Rick is still immune compromised, more than he usually is. So he still has to be very careful to stay healthy. He even pointed out that not all public bathrooms have garbage cans by the door so when he uses a paper towel to open the door there is nowhere to throw it away. I couldn't be more proud!!!

And on a side note, where is the love people? Are you still reading? We haven't had a lot of comments lately. Not that I am begging for comments but a little love never hurt anyone. LOL

Until next time,


Dawn said...

Hi Jaime - I love the term Rickologist. So cute/clever. :)


PS: I think the new internist and the rheumotologist are right about the colonoscopy. Usually, people with IBD get them every year. Even if they don't have signs of active disease.

heather said...

Hey Jaime & Rick!

I'm not sure who Rick's gastro is but mine doesn't make me do a colonoscopy yearly because he knows that if i'm not showing active disease/flare-up, then it's not necessary, and if you're not having a flare-up having a colonoscopy can actually cause a flare-up because of the prepping. Rick's doctor might be on the conservative side of things?? I know, financially, I am thankful for a doctor who isn't so quick to do such expensive procedures. And another thought would be, that if Rick is having a flare-up he should tell his doctor that he would like one done to confirm the symptoms he is having. Sometimes unfortunately we have to be our own advocate. No one (but God) knows whats going on inside until the tests are done. I will be praying for wisdom and the right amount of persistence that you guys need to get some answers.

Take care!

P.S I do read your blog every time you update it, but i've had my nieces this week so I haven't had much time to comment! : )

Susan said...

Hi Kids,
How clever...Rickologist! Wish I would have thought of it. Keep up the positive thoughts and remember we love you!
Mom & Tim

Blonde Momma said...


Unknown said...

Hey there Jaime & Rick:

I am still reading and learning lots everyday from your blog. Keep up the great work! Stay strong, and keep putting your trust in the Lord.

Your Long Time Friend,