Tuesday, December 9, 2008

I don't feel good

All of the stupid sick people at work passed their sick germs on to me. I think it must have been the nice note I posted for sick people to please avoid using my desk and phone. I mean why would someone ignore a clearly posted note to please not share germs. I have a husband at home that doesn't need to get sick on top of everything else. But some people just don't worry about spreading germs. If I was that sick I wouldn't use someone else's phone. I mean that is so inconsiderate. And apparently no amount of disinfectant wipes will really kill all the germs. Can you tell I am upset?

I have a very sore throat and my head really hurts. I am dizzy too. I feel bad because I don't have a lot of energy and I need to be helping Rick out even more right now. I have to be better so that I can take care of him. He has his colonoscopy on friday afternoon and if it goes like last time it was kinda hard on him. And then his injection is next week. So right now I need to be healthy.

If you feel so inclined I would appreciate some prayers that I get better very quickly. I am off to bed early now.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Dawn said...

Jaime -- I hear you! I get soooo irritated when people don't stay home when they have something contagious.

I hope you feel better soon (like, now!!). And I hope the colonscopy goes well. Carl has his next week.