Sunday, December 14, 2008

Not Me Monday

It is not that time again to post Not Me! Monday. Nope it is not already another week. Christmas is not almost here.

I did not try a big gulp of the nasty laxative drink that Rick had to drink as the prep for his colonoscopy. Why in the world would anybody voluntarily taste something so nasty? I was not trying to be overly supportive of my husband. Nope, not me. Gross.

I did not eat McDonalds chicken nuggets in front of my kids and then proceed to feed them top ramen for dinner. And I did not justify it by saying it was because they haven't been picking up their rooms. Then eat it before I fed them. What kind of mother would do something like that? Nope, not me.

I did not forget, yet again, to send back Megan's homework calendar for the week. I make sure to fill it out everyday and then make sure it is signed, in her backpack, and ready to turn in on friday. It would be irresponsible of me to forget that almost every week. I am on top of it! I never forget anything. Nope, not me.

I did not ignore a voicemail that Samantha left for me asking me to please bring her a cold lunch because she didn't like what was for lunch that day. I did not decide that it would not kill her to have to eat school lunch even though she didn't like the chicken fryz that were being served that day. Nope, not me.

I did not check my blog all the time to see if I had any new comments. I never do that. I have too many things to do to always be checking to see if someone actually left a comment. It doesn't make me feel special to read comments. Nope, not me.

I hope you enjoy my Not Me's! this week. And I hope it made you feel like a better person than me. Maybe you will feel like leaving me some of your Not Me's! in the comments. I would really love to hear what other people are not doing.

Until next time,



Patrice said...

lol! I love the one about not checking your blog for comments... none of us do that because none of us bloggers are addicted to comments! Too funny! Great not me's! Happy Not Me Monday!

More Than Words said...

LOL about the Mickey D's!!! hahaha!

I would totally not do that!

Keyona said...

Yeah I had to convince my girl to eat school lunch today because I was too tired to make it. She'll survive! :o)

Sara @ Domestically Challenged said...

Um, who in the world checks their blog for comments? NOT ME!!
Super funny about the McDonalds's!!

JackieThomposn said...

LOVING IT!!! I am NOT loving the comment about the McDonalds... I am NOT understanding of you NOT trying Rick's stuff...
I did NOT roll my eyes at Hunter for saying his wrist hurt. I did NOT fix myself an extra helping of noodles and tell my family that there wasn't anything left. I did NOT tell a lady at Walmart that I got the last stero and laugh behind her back. I would NEVER take joy in being prepared... :)

Love you !!!
