Friday, April 10, 2009

Even More Tests

If you follow me on twitter you already have an idea of where this post is going. I had an appointment with my doctor today. Rick went with me this time to hear for himself what is going on. Dr. A is now thinking that my pain is from my gallbladder. She ordered me to have a HIDA scan which is hopefully going to be done on Monday. I will not be able to eat or drink anything Monday morning until after I hear if the test can be done on Monday. If not, it will be done early in the week. I also have an appointment scheduled with a surgeon on Thursday to talk about removing my gallbladder. Dr. A is so certain that it is my gallbladder that she went ahead and scheduled me with the surgeon.

I have also been given some pain medicine to help me with the pain. By the end of the day the pain is so bad that I can hardly handle it. I was almost ready to go to the hospital last night due to the amount of pain I was having.

I can't believe that this is happening. It is almost funny. I did say almost.

Until next time,


Denise said...

Ugh..sorry you're going through all that! I went through something similiar right after I had Gracie. I had my gallbladder removed a couple months after she was born. It is excruciating pain!! Fortunately, the surgery is simple and recovery is pretty quick! Hopefully you'll be better soon!

Unknown said...

I had gall bladder pain after I had Ava. OMG! It was so bad, I thought I was dying! Fortunitly it resolved itself.......but I know your pain and it is terrible! Praying for you always!

xoxoxoxoxox jenna

Connie said...


Oh no! I know you are jealous of all the attention Rick is getting, but this is ridiculous! (Just kidding) I'm sure sorry you've been having so much pain and now face surgery. What a bummer! Sure hope this can be taken care of quickly. You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Connie, Bill and Angel Amanda