Monday, April 27, 2009


We haven't experienced normal in so long that I don't think I even remember what it is exactly. In the last nine weeks my kids have lived with us for a total of four weeks. Rick hasn't been to work. I haven't worked more than 4 hours a day. We hadn't picked our kids up a school once, until today.

Our lives have been so consumed with doctors, pain, procedures, pain, appointments, pain, meds.... Well you get the idea. I feel like I don't have any idea how to communicate with others. All that has been on my mind is how Rick is doing, and then how I am doing.

I am getting annoyed with myself so I can only imagine how annoyed my readers must be getting. I am starting to realize I need to put on my big girl panties and move on with my life. I can't live in this bubble anymore. I have to focus on other things. I am bored reading my own blog. I have to start blogging about something other than health problems.

I never ever intended to become "why me?" I never wanted to chase away readers because we are so pathetic.

So from this point forward I promise to blog about other things. Of course there are going to be medical updates because, well, this is one way I keep track of it all. But I promise to try to find other things to blog about.

So please don't stop following us now. I am promising it is going to get better. Besides, I am starting to feel better today so things must be getting better.

Until next time,

1 comment:

Susan said...

Hi Kids,
Yeah!! You are feeling better!! Life is full of ups and downs, and you are on the up swing. These past few weeks have been unbelievably rough. Your friends and family have stood beside you: supporting you, praying for you, encouraging you, loving you. Now it is time to "let the sun shine in" and move forward.
I love you,