Wednesday, April 1, 2009


I Am Tired

I am tired of doing laundry.
I am tired of letting the dog out every two minutes.
I am tired of having a headache.
I am tired of the kids not picking up.
I am tired of listening to the same music blaring out of Megan's room.
I am tired of the kids fighting.
I am tired of doing dishes.
I am tired of picking up after everyone.
I am tired of doctor's appointments.
I am tired of worrying about my husband.
I am tired of explaining what is wrong with my husband.
I am tired of struggling with what is happening.

I Am Tired


I Am Grateful

I am grateful for a wonderful husband.
I am grateful for two adorable daughters.
I am grateful for a supportive family.
I am grateful for having a nice house.
I am grateful for medical insurance.
I am grateful for wonderful friends.
I am grateful for a loving marriage.

I Am Grateful

But still I am tired.

Until next time,


JackieThomposn said...

I like this post... I know you are tired... I am glad you posted your "I am gratefuls" too though... Gives us all hope... :)

berns said...

Dear Jaime & Rick. I don't know if you remember me or not but I am your 3rd. cousin from Federal Way. I have been following your journey and I just wanted you to know that I pray for you daily.You have been given a trial but you are also a gift to many people through it. Take care and love each other one day at a time. Bernie