I knew staying up late reading last night would be a bad idea. I just knew the phone would ring at the butt-crack of dawn. But since I am so super awesome I was totally able to be coherent at 6 am. So I had a nice long talk with Dr Lindor this morning. NO WILSON DISEASE!!!!! Can you tell I am happy about that?!?!?! That was what I was most scared of. So the high iron and low ceruloplasmin (too much copper) in the blood is caused from an inflammatory process going on inside the liver. That will happen with PSC. And the medication that Rick takes for the PSC actually tends to mask the actual liver enzyme panel numbers so it can be hard to tell how the liver is doing by bloodwork alone. The bilirubin is going to cause problems because of the Gilbert's syndrome, so that is number that will fluctuate. We just have to make sure that if we notice Rick's eyes get a lot more yellow or his skin start to turn yellow then we know it is the PSC and to call the doctor.
Rick will continue to have liver pain off and on. And I have had it described to me as if someone is taking a pair of pliers and grabbing and twisting the liver. That doesn't sound nice to me. So as far as what the stage the PSC is actually in can only be confirmed by a liver biopsy which Dr Lindor thinks is unnecessary at this point. So the plan is to monitor the blood work at four month intervals and return to Mayo once a year for a full evaluation. Dr Lindor thinks it is important to check everything out to make sure that there is no cancer forming, since that can happen with PSC. So Rick would go back to Mayo for an ultrasound and bloodwork, and those would tell us if further testing is needed. And it would be best to be at Mayo for further testing if that is what is needed. That will be a good way to keep track of how the PSC is progressing as well. And of course if there are problems throughout the year that would change the course of treatment.
So what does all this mean? It means that at this point Rick's PSC is progressing, but slowly. I am not sure how many of you know that Rick will eventually need a liver transplant, but it looks like that will be at least a couple years down the road. As the PSC progresses further it will damage the bile ducts and then it will just be a matter of time before he will likely need a new liver. Now in my little head I wonder why not just take out the diseased one now and let him feel better but that is not how organ transplant works.
On thursday we meet Rick's new internal medicine doctor. We will have lots of info to throw at him but also some other lingering questions. Like what the heck is going on with the low blood counts. And, um hello, where is the spleen? Dr Lindor's recommendation was to get another colonoscopy since it has been four years, so we will also ask the new doctor about that as well. Rick's local GI didn't think it was necessary for another year but with the crohn's/PSC combo it is better to be safe than sorry. So if we can get two doctors to recommend it be done now then hopefully we can convince the doctor to do it. After all, it has been four years since the first one.
So I think we have some good answers. I am going to try to go back to sleep for a bit. Hopefully that phone call is what I needed to get out of my funk. I just HATE that Rick has to deal with all of this. But now we have a better understanding of what is going on. And knowledge is power.
So do not worry about tomorrow; for tomorrow will care for itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34
Until next time,
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
6 a.m. Phone Call

Crohn's Disease,
Gilbert's Syndrome,
Mayo Clinic,

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1 comment:
That is such good news, Jamie! What a relief that he doesn't have Wilson's.
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