My little Megan is now toothless. Two days ago, July 26, Megan lost her very first tooth. I pulled it out because it was super loose. She cried and cried afterwards because she said it hurt. I felt so bad. But then she got an otter pop and that made it all okay. The big permanent tooth is already coming in behind it. That is how I found out that the tooth was loose in the first place. She was cuddling with me in bed and when she yawned I saw the big tooth behind her little tooth. I couldn't believe it and then we discovered how loose that tooth was. I was so worried she would loose it while we were gone but thankfully that didn't happen.
Today Nana (my mom) came over to see the missing tooth. While Nana was here we convinced Megan to let me pull out the other tooth because it was super loose too. Megan had not forgotten that having the other tooth out hurt so she was not really into it. But Nana bribed Megan with two dollars so she let me wiggle the tooth and it just popped out, with a little bit of crying. It was funny because Megan didn't even realize I had pulled out the tooth. When she saw it she was shocked. And of course she got another otter pop.
So now the tooth fairy will be visiting Megan for the second time in three days. I still have the tooth fairy pillow that I used when I was little so that is what Sam and Megan use to put their teeth in for the tooth fairy. On saturday night the tooth fairy left four quarters for Megan, I wonder if the tooth fairy will leave a little more this time since it has only been two days since she was here last.
The pictures are from saturday night after Megan lost the first tooth. You can see the hole where the tooth came out and the big tooth already coming in. You can also see the tooth next to it barely hanging on.

I can't believe that Megan has already lost two teeth. She just turned five less than two months ago. How can she be growing up so fast? She is still my baby. I can't believe how fast they grow up. Megan always asks me if I want her to stop growing and stay little. I wish that was possible. I wish she wasn't going off to kindergarten in September. I want to keep her home with me but I know that she needs to go to school. I look at her and think she doesn't look big enough to go to kindergarten. In my eyes I guess she is still a baby.
Until next time,
1 comment:
Hi Jaime,
I'm glad I could help! I remember bribing you too. Megan sure looks cute with her toothless smile.
Love, Mom
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