Thursday, July 10, 2008

Please Pray

We are getting ready to head out the door for the hospital. I am very anxious. My hands are shaking and my stomach is in knots. Rick is fine, at least he says he is. Like he said, he gets to go to sleep and I am the one that has to wait and worry.

So this is what we are hoping to happen while we are at the hospital. We would hope that if you check in on us here on the blog that you leave us a message. We would love to have lots of comments to read when we get back from the hospital. That would be wonderful, but no pressure.

It looks like the doctor appointment will not be changed. We will meet with Dr Lindor tomorrow, so we won't have any answers today. I am disappointed and this will just extend the nervous feelings I am experiencing. Please keep us in your prayers as this is the hardest part of this entire experience.

I will let you know how he is doing once we are back in the hotel and settled in.



Connie said...

Hi Jaime and Rick,

Thinking about you both and praying for you today. Giving you long distance hugs! {{{{{{{{HUGS}}}}}}}}

Stay positive! (easy for me to say, but hard to do, I know!)

Love you lots,
Connie, Bill and Angel Amanda

Lee said...

Hey Rick and Jamie!Hope all goes well!I will keep you in our prayers! Also Rick you need to get back soon DANA Is Driving Me CRAZY!!!!!He now thinks he's a Great Drummer,He's been doing the Rock Star Game and says he's Pretty Good.Well Hang in there Buddy! God Bless Lee!

Dawn said...

Our church prayer chain is praying for you guys.

Take care and lots of hugs to you both.

bre said...

hi guys,
I haven't written because I truly didn't know what to say. I figured that if I wrote something to sappy Rick would tease me endlessly and because writing on this is like public speaking and we all know what a great public speaker I am, or am I a public cryer! lol.
You know I love you guys so much and are all I have been thinking of. I wish there was more I could do for you but I know that all I can do is pray. I know how it feels to be living your life and wondering how you got here and I know how much it breaks your heart to watch the one you love must go through such life changing stuff and all you can do is sit and wait. I wish I could make it go away.
Jaime I know you fear your ability to be strong for Rick will falter but I know It won't. I know this because I've known you my whole life and you are so much stronger then you know especially when it comes to those you love most.
Hang in there guys you'll be home soon at our twin lakes paradise and I know with all the answers you seek.
All my love gotta go or Dr. Galloway is going to fly away without me!!

Ken and Mickey said...

Rick and Jaime,

We are praying that all goes well today and happy that they were able to move the ERCP to today. I'll bet you are anxious to get home to your girls!

We love you!

Ken & Mickey

Anonymous said...

We are always thinking about you guys..I know it's hard but try and not get tooo stressed out on things..let God handle some of your pressure. Hopefully by the time you guys get will have a clear direction. *hugs* to you both..more you..since you are a girl and don't have cooties!